Group Personal Accident Insurance

Group Personal Accident Insurance, as its name implies, is a policy that institutions or organizations issue to a group of people. Its primary aim is to offer extensive financial protection against substantial expenses arising from disablement or death caused by accidental injury.

Employers constantly seek ways to protect their employees and themselves against risks that can lead to death or permanent disablement, making group personal accident insurance invaluable. This product extends coverage to both employees and the board or owner of a company, providing a wide range of benefits that hold significant importance in the lives of salaried individuals.

Group Personal Accident Insurance offers a variety of Benefits

Group accident insurance policies provide a key benefit by protecting individuals against financial liabilities from accident-related death or disability. It’s crucial to remember that every breadwinner supports a financially and emotionally dependent family, making it a top priority to secure their future and interests. Additionally, group personal accident insurance offers a range of other benefits.

What is the Importance of Group Personal Accident Insurance?

Let’s delve into greater detail about some of the key importance of Group Personal Accident Insurance:

  • Group Personal Accident Insurance acknowledges that employees constitute the most crucial asset of any organization. Therefore, it provides protection against various unfortunate events that may result in the insured’s death or permanent disablement. Any business organization’s fundamental responsibility is to safeguard its employees against such occurrences.
  • The Group Personal Accident policy ensures prompt settlement of claims in the event of an employee’s death, or injury resulting in permanent disablement, temporary total disability, or other medical expenses. The policy pays the claim to the policyholder or their nominee. This relieves employers of liability burdens, as the policy covers all expenses incurred in the event of an employee experiencing any unfortunate events, such as an accident.
  • This insurance policy also benefits an organization’s reputation by creating a positive image among workers, showing that the organization cares about its employees and has measures in place to address issues arising from unfortunate events like accidents. It offers a comprehensive solution that effectively protects employees against any accidents that may result in additional expenses for the organization.

Key highlights of Group Personal Accident Insurance

Now that you understand the importance of group personal accident insurance, let’s discuss some key highlights of Group Personal Accident Insurance:

  • Group Personal Accident Insurance comprehensively covers all expenses related to accidents.
  • If the insured dies accidentally, 100% of the sum insured is paid to the nominee.
  • In case the insured loses vital limbs, 100% of the sum insured is paid.
  • In case of partial disablement, the insured receives half of the sum assured.
  • The insured will receive a certain percentage of the sum assured in case of temporary complete disability.
  • It additionally provides coverage for the insured’s broken bones resulting from an accident.
  • This policy protects the insured against burns resulting from an accident.
  • Some group personal accident insurance policies also cover heart attacks and strokes.

Key Highlights of Group Insurance Plan in Details

Permanent Total Disability

If an employee sustains an accident resulting in continuous permanent disability for 12 months, the insurer will compensate the employee by paying the sum assured.

Permanent Partial Disability

If an employee experiences an accident resulting in continuous permanent partial disability for 12 months, the policy will cover between 2% and 60% of the Principal Sum based on the level of disability listed in the policy coverage.

Accidental Death

If an employee dies due to an accident, the nominees receive the principal sum as the accidental death benefit.

Mortal Remains Transportation

The insurer providing group personal accident insurance covers the expenses incurred for transporting the mortal remains from the accident site to the residence, hospital, or cremation ground.

Ambulance Charges

The policy reimburses ambulance charges incurred if the employee encounters any accident.

Medical Reimbursement

This policy additionally reimburses the cost of hospitalization for injury treatment. The compensation provided under this benefit typically constitutes a certain percentage of the actual medical expenses incurred.

Changes in Lifestyle

Permanent Total Disability resulting from an accident often necessitates lifestyle adjustments. To cope with the increased expenses associated with these changes, the employee may require financial assistance. For instance, modifying an existing vehicle or relocating to the ground floor or changing staircases. Comprehensive Group Personal Accident policies serve as a valuable resource in these situations, offering financial assistance to cover such expenses.

Broken Bones

The group personal accident insurance plan compensates employees for broken bones caused by accidents listed in the policy coverage, providing a lump sum amount as compensation.


Employers can purchase the group personal accident policy as a comprehensive package to offer extensive coverage to a large workforce. Many insurance companies also offer options to customize group personal accident covers according to the requirements, needs, and preferences of the employee group.